Here are the Top 18+ Artworks by Qinni (Qing Han)

Qing Han, popularly known as Qinni, is a Deviant Art illustrator. She has created some of the best anime art.

She describes herself as "Professional doodler" and "4x open heart surgery survivor".

Yes, 4 times open heart surgery survivor. But she passed away on the 10th of February this year, because of cancer. She was 29.

She started her journey with DeviantArt (like everyone else), became really popular on Deviant Art. At the time of writing this article, she has 119K Wachters and 3.5M page view, which is freaking huge number in Deviant Art, considering how niche the platform is, also is so old.

Other than that she has 2.6M Instagram Followers, 485K YouTube Subscribers with just 17 videos.

Even if you don't know her, I am sure you have seen this doodle, which has become popular meme. This
👆 This is the original post of the doodle 😆 (February 7th 2014)

You are welcome to download it for your a meme template, just know that it was created by her.

Her all profiles links:

So, here I want to share my favourite artworks by Qinni. I am not linking to each of the Original Artwork, all the artworks are available in her Deviant Art profile.

Top Artworks by Qinni (Qing Han)

1. Bird Cage

2. Fragile ☔️

In these 2 arts above, her pain (due to her fibrosis sarcoma cancer) can be seen clearly. with the artwork Fragile, she shared an insight about her mental situation -
Hey guys, long time no update here. Not feeling the best today, but at least last round of chemo went better than my first round so I will take it. I feel so tired and weak but I've never had such strong urge to keep drawing, so I might have pushed my body a little too far yesterday....
I've made a list of all these old artwork I want to redo for an artbook so I'm slowly working through that. Thanks for sticking around, I know I don't update nearly as much you guys wanna see me take screenshots of my twitter updates and throw them up on my story? I don't know how many of you guys follow me on twitter or even use it haha. I just wanna keep this a clean gallery-like place where I talk about my health stuff in the comments xD~ Lemme know in the comments?

Not sure how much I'm making sense now, my chemo brain is still pretty bad haha, but yeah, thank you guys for all the support, seriously <3~

3. Starred Freckles

This is one of her most popular artworks. Apparently, it inspired the Galaxy Freckled girl make up trend [1, 2, 3].

2. Breath

4. Jellyfish

5. Dia de los Muertos: Day of the Dead Wallpaper

6. Three Wise Monkeys

7. "Longing for home, home amongst the stars" ⭐️

8. Overgrowing 🌱🌿

9. I'm not alone, because of you...

10. Star scattering...

11. Rapunzel

12. 🌸🌺🌼Flowering hair~

13. Always...

A tribute from Qinni to Alan Rickman (Snape from Harry Potter)

14. ponysmakeup

This is a gouache+watercolour painting of @ponysmakeup

15. Migration:

16. I Love you to the Moon and back

17. Hello there...🐠

18. Pokemon - DS Style

She created animations and gifs


This one was a .swf file, which runs on the flash player, I converted it to .gif as the flash won't be supported after 2020

The Forest God

3d pencil sketch (sort of xD) ❤️

She also created tutorials,

In fact, I came to know her through this speed paint while looking for some inspiration over YouTube:

The world has lost an amazing artist, but the people and brands are not kind enough not to think about their gains using the unfortunate situation. Here is an appropriate message to them -

 At least Melon Notebook had got their Instagram Account Deleted for their assholery

Thanks to Qinni for inspiring us. We hope you rest in peace.

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